Saturday, June 4, 2011

Ideas of What to do This Summer (cont.)

14. bake a cake
15. make jewelry
16. make a blog
17. study? (not so sure anyone wants to)
18. go to a
19. pet a stingray
20. go to an
all you can eat buffet and get the biggest
meal you've ever had
21. eat really spicy food
22. try something new
23. eat a bizarre food ("If it looks good, eat it")
24. play ninja
25. bungee jump
26. sky dive
27. memorize the Constitution (good if you
are taking government next year)
28. take an art class
29. read an encyclopedia
30. invent a new device
31. bike ride
32. make weird faces when nobody is looking
33. burst out into song in a public area and try to get people to follow you
24. go see Broadway
25. See Harry Potter and the Deathly Hollows Part 2!
26. time travel ( as in, pick a time period you want and take a field day on what it was like)
27. visit a memorial
29. drive across the country
30. be a tourist in your own town and go to every tourist attraction possible
31. stay at a hotel for no reason
32. bake bread

First Day of Summer

Oh, how I wish I could be there
This is one bad side of moving, everything is in boxes so there is little to do. Then again, Dad is coming today which I am very excited about. He is supposed to come around 9 at night. Monday is his birthday. He is turing the big four-O.
On another note, I have been feeling a little under-the-weather today. My nose is very stuffed up and it really is not fun. I think I will feel fine tomorrow though. My little sister Addi had it way worse yesterday, she threw up and was crying during the night. I am glad she is feeling a little better today. The medicine Mom gave her helped a lot.
So yeah, this is basically what is happening today. More to come.

Friday, June 3, 2011

Ideas of What To Do Over Summer

1. Moving, but that doesn't really count
2. Make fudge with Grammy
3.Go on a plane ride (Going to do that soon)
4. Shop
5. Sew a shirt, skirt, dress or whatever
6. Learn Beethoven
7. Swim
8. Sweat ( Trust me, it's going to be 100+ degrees in Arizona, it's certain)
9. Read
10. Watch educational t.v.
11. Learn Spanish or attempt Italian
12. Cook steak with Dad
13. Watch Quinn

Last Day of School

Well, sophomore year is over. High school has really been quite a trip. I have been in two plays, did singing at a talent show and read a lot of books. Before I go any further, I must state that I am going to move to Mesa, Arizona. I am moving to a new house and going to a new school.
So now that I mentioned Arizona I might as well give a few facts. Arizona became a state on February 14th 1912. The state motto is Ditat Deus or "God Enriches." And for any jewelry lovers out there, the state gem is turquoise.
So now that I am done with that, let me tell you about my family. I have four siblings, three sisters and one brother. My sister Robyn is fourteen years old and is going to be a freshmen next year. She is far more active than me and can usually outdo me in running and flexibility. Then again, I have never been that active of a person. My brother's name is Eric and he is going to be in sixth grade. He LOVES soccer, and he is really good at is as well. I also love soccer, but nothing close to my brother. My younger sister's name is Mia and she is so sweet. She always has a story to tell and can cheer people up. Then there's my sister Addison, but I call her by her middle name Quinn most of the time. Also very cute, she is fun to be around and she loves it when people read books to her. She is three years old. My mom and dad are from Arizona and somehow we just ended up in Ohio. My mom's name is Kim and my Dad's name is Robert. They were high school sweethearts and got married a couple years later. So, yeah that's about it.