Thursday, June 23, 2011

20 Things I Have Done In (Almost) Two Weeks

1. Moved
2. Made bread and salad with Grammy
3. Had an entertaining dinner with Grandma complete with a banana split
4. Attempted to sew something (did not work)
5. Completed a puzzle and stayed up till almost midnight finishing it
6. Had more Mexican food
7. Went to a BBQ
8. Went to a new ward
9. Unpacked my room
10. Bought two new shoes within two days (they were on sale)
11. Tried to adapt from East to West coast
12. Seen friends that I have not seen in ages
13. Played many board games
14. Accidently locked myself out of the bathroom
15. Missed Ohio dearly
16. Stayed up longer than I care to admit
17. Made Quinn like me and dislike me in the span of a week
18. Spent a considerable amount of "cave time"
19. Morphed my little sister Quinny with an ewok ( reference to Star Wars, watch if not informed)
20. I Still am smarter than a doorknob ( minus door incident today)

1 comment:

  1. I do think you are smarter than the doorknob, but I am not sure I am. I couldn't figure out how to unlock the door. Robyn did it. Thanks, Robyn!! Your post was funny!
