Thursday was Mimi's birthday so there was a lot of celebrating in the house. First, Dad took Mia to a doughnut shop. When Mia told the lady working there it was her birthday, she got extra doughnuts. When our family came home, Mia ate the sprinkle doughnut she had picked out. Everyoneelse also enjoyed their doughnuts. Later on, Mia, Sienna (Mia's friend), Mom, Robyn and I all went to get pedicures. Mia and Sienna both got matching yellow nails. And when I say yellow, I mean BRI

GHT yellow. Right after the pedicures, we all went to get Red Robin for lunch. Mia told everyone at the table it was her birthday, but she said she did not want the free dessert. Sienna chimed in and said she willeat the dessert for her. This makes me wonder about the phrase, "what are friends

for." After full stomachs and colorful nails, we all went home and had cake and presents. Needless to say, Quinn really wanted one of the gifts to be hers. After a couple hours of play time with the new toys, our family, minus Robyn (she was at a friend's house), went to Nagoya. When we went there, we all sat at the hibachi grill. Quinny got super scared of the fire at the beginning and hid behind Mom. After a while, she really started to like the show. Mia sure had a wonde

rful birthday.
day was my last full day in Ohio. Let us just say that it was quite an adv

enture. At eleven, all of our family drove to a friend of Dad's house. We all had hotdogs and mac & cheese for lunch. There was also a dog that Q was very afraid of. Wherev
er the dog went, she went the opposite direction. Let
us just say she burned a ton of calories that way. A couple hours later we went to the Monson's house. We had everything from tacos to corn and to top it
all off , there was a water slide. For dessert we all had banana splits. After dinner, we all went home and Robyn invited some of her friends over. They played piano, jumped on the trampoline and played cards. It was a very fun-filled last day in Ohio.