Today the movers came to deliver our things. The house is full of boxes right now and people are either in the process of moving things in or taking things out of the boxes. This is that awkward stage in moving where most of the "house" is packed up. Although some things like food items, the piano and the sofas have already been put in their places. Since we had hired a moving company, Mom warned everyone to stay out of people's way, especially
Yesterday was Father's Day so Mia picked out a card for Dad. It turns out we did not really look inside until we bought it and the card said "Happy Birthday." Ironically, my Dad's birthday was more like a Father's Day so I guess it all worked out. For dinner we went to Grammy and Grandpa's house for dinner and dessert. Quinny must have had something yesterday because she was EXTRA crazy. She danced, helped Grandpa open his gifts (although I doubt he needed it), and sang "Happy Birthday Grandma" to Grandpa. Needless to say, everyone was entertained.
Yesterday was also my first day in the new ward. There were a ton of people in church. It makes my ward in Ohio seem even smaller than it already was. I didn't really meet that many people, but oh well, there will be other times. But just like my Ohio ward, everyone certainly likes to talk. Go figure.
That picture of Q is crazy. Her hair - what's up with the hair?